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US soldier accused of killing 16 Aghan civilians meets with lawyer
The suspect in the killing of 16 civilians in Afghanistan meets with his attorney on Monday. This wi
Soldier accused of killing Afghan civilians named
The lawyer for the Army staff sergeant suspected of killing 16 Afghan civilians questioned Tuesday t
The attorney for the U.S. soldier accused of killing 17 Afghan civilians says the government is "hid
+4:3 EXCLUSIVE soldier charged with killing 16 Afghans to plead guilty, lawyer says
Soldier with Tri-state ties, charged with 16 Afghan murders
Lawyer for Afghan shootings soldier speaks to press
The U.S. soldier accused of slaughtering 16 Afghan civilians last weekend had been reluctant to leav
Lawyer: US soldier accused of killing Afghan villagers saw friend's leg blown off
Bales admits to murder of 16 Afghan civilians in their sleep
Seattle attorney John Henry Browne is representing the U.S. Soldier suspected of shooting dead 16 Af